
Quantum sensing for gravitational cartography


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The sensing of gravity has emerged as an important tool in geophysics for applications such as engineering and climate research 1,2,3 where it provides the capability to probe otherwise inaccessible features under the surface of the Earth. Examples include the monitoring of temporal variations such as those found in aquifers4 and geodesy5. However, resolving metre scale underground features is rendered impractical by the long measurement times needed for the removal of vibrational noise6. Here, we overcome this limitation and open up the field of gravity cartography by realising a practical quantum gravity gradient sensor. Our design suppresses the effects of micro-seismic and laser noise, as well as thermal and magnetic field variations, and instrument tilt. The instrument achieves an uncertainty of 20 E (1 E = 10-9 s-2) and is used to perform a 0.5 m spatial resolution survey across a 8.5 m long line, detecting a 2 m tunnel with a signal to noise ratio of 8. The tunnel centre is localised using a Bayesian inference method, determining the centre to within ± 0.19 m in the horizontal direction and finding the centre depth as (1.89 -0.59/+2.3) m. The removal of vibrational noise enables improvements in instrument performance to directly translate into reduced measurement time in mapping. This opens new applications such as mapping the water distribution of aquifers and evaluating impacts on the water table7, detecting new features in archaeology8,9,10,11, determination of soil properties12 and water content13, and reducing the risk of unforeseen ground conditions in the construction of critical energy, transport and utilities infrastructure14, providing a new window into the underground.
gravitational cartography
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