
Transition Database for a harmonized mapping of German patient data to the OMOP CDM


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To improve medical research and thus increase the quality of health care it is necessary to guarantee distributed analyzes and data interoperability. Therefore, the OMOP CDM was introduced in MIRACUM. In addition to the mapping of German encoding for diagnosis and procedures, there is a need to extract additional observational information and transfer to the OMOP CDM (e.g. reason of admission / discharge, department, reliability of diagnosis). In order to prevent different versions of local mappings, we offer a Transition Database of German Vocabularies as a basis for a harmonized mapping of German patient data to OMOP Standard Concepts. Introduction MIRACUM (Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine) is one of four consortia established within the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany (MI-I). It focuses on digitalization in medicine and therefore on linkage between medical knowledge and data. The use of a CDM (common data model) increases the interoperability and enables distributed analyzes. Maier et al. already demonstrated the successful semantic mapping from ICD-10GM (International Classification of Diseases, German Modification) to SNOMED for encoding diagnosis as well as the representation of OPS codes (“Operationenund Prozedurenschlüssel”, in English “operations and procedure key”) to the OMOP CDM. Based on those results we implemented a reference ETL job to extract and transfer German patient data based on the Core Dataset of the MI-I into the OMOP CDM. To ensure nationwide consistency and comparability of mappings we provide the Transition Database of German Vocabularies (German TDB) as an extension tool of the reference ETL job.
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