Upliftment of Societal Lockdown by Indian Government amid CoVID-19 crisis: Boon for some and Bane for others


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Developing nations were greatly hit due to the spread of coronavirus as majority of their population belong to the lower-income groups. It was primarily due to the lack of proper medical and healthcare facilities available for the public. To restrict the rapid spread of the disease, most of the nations had declared an emergency lockdown of their respective countries. Due to the economic constraints leading to the lack of food and uncontrollable spread of disease faced by several economically backward people, governments decided to reopen the markets in a planned manner. Many nations faced two faced wars- the pandemic on one hand and global hunger on the other. India too announced the unlocking of the nation on 1st June 2020. Soon after the unlocking was done to some extent, the number of active cases of coronavirus began rising. India had 0.007% of its people under the influence of the virus when the unlocking was done but soon within a month, the active cases rose to 0.016% of the total population of India which marked the rise of 57.35% cases. Similar cases were seen in many developing countries around the world. In this paper, a comparison on the CoVID-19 situation, post- upliftment of the lockdown has been provided with a few of the selected countries.
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