Age and COVID-Stress: A Multimethodological Analysis of Older Adults' On-Line Responses to Media Depictions of Coping and Communication Technologies (Preprint)

Najmeh Khalili-Mahani, Shannon Hebblethwaite,Sasha Elbaz,Janis Timm-Bottos, Kim Sawchuk


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BACKGROUND Older adults were amongst the first to experience the hazards of COVID-19 stress, from health to social isolation. This situation motivated research organizations and advocacy groups to promote Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to support seniors and to mitigate the risk of contagion. OBJECTIVE We used a multimethodological approach to examine how older adults appraised news articles about older adults' COVID-related stress and coping strategies, focusing on ICTs. METHODS This study involved targeted search of several international news media outlets for articles addressing older adults COVID-related stress, coping strategies, and ICTs. Articles that satisfied our selection criteria had more than 100 public comments on their website, Facebook and Reddit feeds. We scraped the comments and performed a quasi-automated social network analysis to identify and map the pattern of interrelations between the topics of age, stress, resources (for coping) and technology. RESULTS Having analyzed the themes emerging from 3390 valid comments in seven international news outlets, revealed that ICTs were not identified as the primary resource for coping with COVID-19 stress. Life experience and putting the discomfort of the pandemic for their age group in perspective (compared to its economic burdens for the younger members of the society) were more prevalent in comments addressing age-related COVID coping strategies. Socialization strategies and connections to people, especially friends and family, were also prominent. Although ICTs such as Zoom and social media platforms were identified as important for maintaining connections, they were not seen as a replacement for face-to-face or in-person experiences. The availability of technologically-mediated news, information and entertainment channels were linked to other activities that helped older adults cope, however these comments also revealed critical attitudes towards ICTs in general. An important finding from our study is that older adults passionately objected to uncritical and patronizing assumptions about the ability of older adults to deal with stress, and to the promotion of ICTs as the most important coping strategy. CONCLUSIONS Informed by media ecology and the appraisal theory of stress and coping, this interdisciplinary approach provides a nuanced understanding of what resources for coping are valued by a group of technologically-savvy older adults. Using social media as a data collection site, we showed that even amongst a digitally-connected group of older adults, ICTS were not positioned as the primary solution to COVID-related problems. As older commenters stated, in promoting ICT use it is necessary to acknowledge, their online and offline needs including their desire for face-to-face connections, their past experiences and perspectives on aging with ICTs, and the import of life experience as a key factor for mitigating stress. CLINICALTRIAL NA
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