
Research on Multifunctional Suspension Controller Based on Bidirectional Buck-Boost Circuit

Xing Chen, Song Han, Tian Luo,Dan Peng, Shui Li Zheng

Research Square (Research Square)(2020)

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Abstract The active suspensions have high energy consumption problems, while energy-regenerative suspensions have limited performance in improving vibration effects. In order to make up for the contradiction between the dynamic performance of the suspension and the energy consumption, this paper uses a linear motor with a bidirectional Buck-Boost circuit to design a multifunctional controller. On this basis, Energy-Consuming Active Control (ECAC) and Regenerative Semi-Active Control (RSAC) strategies are proposed. They make full use of the motor's characteristics in different working areas and improve the scope of application of the suspension. Besides, to ensure that the motor current can accurately track the target value, the inner loop controller uses fuzzy PID to achieve it, which improves the controller's adaptability and reduces the need for the mathematical model of the control object. The simulation results show that the proposed control circuit can achieve the required control effect. Under the active control strategy, the ride comfort of the vehicle is improved by about 27%, and other performances are also controlled within an appropriate range. In the energy-regenerative mode, not only is the energy recovered, but the vehicle ride comfort is also improved by about 10%. Compared with the traditional single-performance suspension, the proposed suspension system improves the suspension's overall performance and satisfies different driving conditions and driver needs.
multifunctional suspension controller,buck-boost
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