Quantitative genome-scale analysis of human liver reveals dysregulation of glycosphingolipid pathways in progressive nonalcoholic fatty liver disease


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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a well defined chronic liver diseases closely related with metabolic disorders. The prevalence of NAFLD is rapidly increasing worldwide, while the pathology and the underlying mechanisms driving NAFLD are not fully understood. In NAFLD, a series of metabolic changes takes place in the liver. However, the alteration of the metabolic pathways in the human liver along the progression of NAFLD, i.e., the transition from nonalcoholic steatosis (NAFL) to steatohepatitis (NASH) through cirrhosis remains to be discovered. Here, we sought to examine the metabolic pathways of the human liver across the full histological spectrum of NAFLD. We analyzed the whole liver tissue transcriptomic (RNA-Seq) and serum metabolomics data obtained from a large, prospectively enrolled cohort of histologically characterized patients derived from the European NAFLD Registry (n=206), and developed genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) of human hepatocytes at different stages of NAFLD. The integrative approach employed in this study has enabled us to understand the regulation of the metabolic pathways of human liver in NAFL, and with progressive NASH-associated fibrosis (F0-F4). Our study identified several metabolic signatures in the liver and blood of these patients, specifically highlighting the alteration of vitamins (A, E) and glycosphingolipids (GSLs), and their link with complex glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in advanced fibrosis. The study provides insights into the underlying pathways of the progressive fibrosing steatohepatitis. Furthermore, by applying genome-scale metabolic modeling (GSMM), we were able to identify the metabolic differences among carriers of widely validated genetic variants associated with NAFLD / NASH disease severity in three genes (PNPLA3, TM6SF2 and HSD17B13).
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