Seasonality of Tropical Photosynthesis: A Pantropical Map of Correlations With Precipitation and Radiation and Comparison to Model Outputs


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Tropical ecosystems strongly influence Earth's climate and weather patterns. Most tropical ecosystems remain warm year-round; nonetheless, their plants undergo seasonal cycles of carbon and water exchange. Previous research has shown the importance of precipitation and radiation as drivers of the seasonality of photosynthetic activity in the tropics. Although data are scarce, field-based studies have found that seasonal cycles at a handful of tropical sites do not match those in the land surface model (LSM) simulations. A comprehensive understanding and model comparison of how seasonal variations in tropical photosynthetic activity relate to climate is lacking. Here, we identify the relationships of precipitation and radiation with satellite-based proxies for photosynthetic activity (e.g., GOME-2 SIF, MAIAC EVI) for the pantropical region. Three dominant and spatially distinct seasonal relationships emerge: photosynthetic activity that is positively correlated with both drivers (36% of tropical pixels), activity that increases following rain but decreases with radiation (28%), and activity that increases following bright seasons but decreases with rain (14%). We compare distributions of these observed relationships with those from LSMs. In general, compared to satellite-based proxies of photosynthetic activity, model simulations of gross primary productivity (GPP) overestimate the extent of positive correlations of photosynthetic activity with water and underestimate positive correlations with radiation. The largest discrepancies between simulations and observations are in the representation of regions where photosynthetic activity increases with radiation and decreases with rain. Our clear scheme for representing the relationship between climate and photosynthetic activity can be used to benchmark tropical seasonality of GPP in LSMs.
tropical ecosystems, photosynthetic activity, solar induced fluorescence, climate, seasonality, models
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