Prolonged PT and APTT Results Caused by Combined Usage of Rivaroxaban and Celecoxib: a Case Report


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Background: Data related to coagulation in patients or changes of coagulation parameters induced by rivaroxaban combined celecoxib remains scarce in a community setting. Case presentation: We reported a 79-year-old woman was sent to the emergency department of our hospital for intracerebral hemorrhage of left thalamus on February 7th, 2021. On March 25th, after taking rivaroxaban combined celecoxib, her prothrombin time (PT: 23.0 sec) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT: 46.3 sec) results were longer than her historical results ((13.0-13.9) sec and (31.7-35.1) sec), the results were not consistent with her clinical symptoms. It turns out that this is unusual side effects of drug combination. After withdrawal the medicine of celecoxib, the results of PT and APTT returned to normal.Conclusions: Although this situation only occurs in a small number of patients, the accumulation of clinical experience can help doctors save their lives. For boosting the safety of clinical medications, doctors should strengthen the evaluations of bleeding risk.
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