The Learning Curve in Vaginal Pelvic Reconstruction Surgery for Severe Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Analysis of the Cumulative Summation Test (CUSUM)


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Women who underwent vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery with or without mesh consecutively between 2004 and 2018 were retrospectively analyzed to determine the learning curve in vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery. With cumulative summation (CUSUM) analysis of surgical failure and operation time, we assessed the learning curve of vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery, including sacrospinous ligament fixation, anterior colporrhaphy, posterior colporrhaphy, and optional vaginal hysterectomy with or without mesh placement. Two hundred and sixty-four women with stage III or IV pelvic organ prolapse underwent vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery by surgeon A or B. The median follow-up time of 44 months ranged from 24 to 120 months. Surgical proficiency was achieved in 32-54 vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery procedures without mesh and 37-61 procedures in the same surgery with mesh. The surgical success rates for surgeons A and B were 82.2% and 94.1%, with median follow-up times of 60 and 33 months, respectively. The learning phase of vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery in advanced pelvic organ prolapse in this institutional cohort required 54 and 61 procedures, respectively. A higher number of procedures were required for the learning curve of vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery with mesh. Having crossed the boundary of proficiency, the surgical success rate and operation time were improved.
vaginal pelvic reconstruction surgery,severe pelvic organ prolapse,cumulative summation test,learning curve
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