In vivo metabolomic study uncovers distinct metabolic phenotypes of host tissues and predicts oxidative state of acute myeloid leukemia


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Background Metabolic adaptation is a hallmark of cancer including acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Tumor microenvironment is also described as an essential support of leukemic metabolism. We explored how systemic and tissue metabolism was rewired in leukemia-bearing mice and upon chemotherapy. Methods Using AML cell line- and primary patient-derived xenograft models, we developed in vivo metabolomics to uncover the metabolic pattern of 10 tissues including plasma, bone marrow, spleen, liver, adipose tissue, lung, pancreas, kidney, heart and muscle. Results In vivo targeted mass spectrometry allowed metabolic characterization of tissues from naïve and AML-xenografted immunocompromised mice. AML xenotransplantation and cytarabine treatment induced AML cell type-dependent global changes in tissue metabolomes. Infiltration of high OxPHOS MOLM14 cells that are intrinsically chemoresistant, induced minor changes in tissue metabolomes. In contrast, low OxPHOS U937 xenograft led to major reprogramming of metabolic tissue niches for survival upon chemotherapy. Interestingly, plasma metabolite signatures could predict the oxidative phenotype of leukemic cells. Conclusion Major metabolic changes in host tissues play a crucial role in tumor xenotransplantation and define their OxPHOS state in AML. Since mitochondrial phenotype is an essential determinant of drug response in AML, plasma metabolite signatures might be novel biomarkers for patient stratification.
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