DA-LMR: A Robust Lane Markings Representation for Data Association Methods


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While complete localization approaches are widely studied in the literature, their data association and data representation subprocesses usually go unnoticed. However, both are a key part of the final pose estimation. In this work, we present DA-LMR (Delta-Angle Lane Markings Representation), a robust data representation in the context of localization approaches. We propose a representation of lane markings that encodes how a curve changes in each point and includes this information in an additional dimension, thus providing a more detailed geometric structure description of the data. We also propose DC-SAC (Distance-Compatible Sample Consensus), a data association method. This is a heuristic version of RANSAC that dramatically reduces the hypothesis space by distance compatibility restrictions. We compare the presented methods with some state-of-theart data representation and data association approaches in different noisy scenarios. The DA-LMR and DC-SAC produce the most promising combination among those compared, reaching 98.1% in precision and 99.7% in recall for noisy data with 0.5m of standard deviation.
DA-LMR,complete localization approaches,data representation subprocesses,final pose estimation,robust data representation,geometric structure description,data association approaches,robust lane marking representation,delta-angle lane marking representation,distance-compatible sample consensus,DC-SAC,RANSAC
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