
A rare in dium-bear ing min eral ( Zn-In-Cu-Fe sul phide ) from the Stara Kamienica Schist Belt ( Sudetes , SW Po land ) Rafa 3 MA £

Stara Kamienica, Schist Belt Sudetes, SW Po land,Z. MIKULSKI


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A rare in dium-bear ing min eral from the stratiform Czerniawa Zdrój-Krobica Sn de posit in the Sudetes (NE part of the Bo he mian Mas sif) has been rec og nized in the qual i ta tive-quan ti ta tive chem i cal com po si tion stud ies of sul phide-cas sit er ite sam ples by elec tron microprobe (EMPA). This in dium-bear ing min eral oc curs in the form of sep a rate hipautomorphic mi cro scopic grains (di am e ter 5–20 mm) and as inter growths and dis sem i na tions in chal co py rite. Ob ser va tions in di cate that this phase crys tal lized with the main gen er a tion of chal co py rite, sphalerite and also with a youn ger gen er a tion of cas sit er ite in the min eral suc ces sion. The chem i cal com po si tion of this min eral is as fol lows: S – 29.38–30.77 wt.%, Zn – 29.76–34.02 wt.%, In – 17.52–19.40 wt.%, Cu – 9.05–10.75 wt.%, Fe – 7.76–8.7 wt.% and Sn – 0.03–0.1 wt.%. Its cal cu lated chem i cal for mula is: (Zn2.09In0.67Cu0.65Fe0.64Cd0.02)S4.07S4.0 and it is char ac ter ized by en rich ment of Zn with si mul ta neous de ple tion in Cu and Sn rel a tive to the ideal chem i cal com po si tion of sakuraiite – the most sim i lar min eral in terms of chem i cal com po si tion. In the light of our new data, it should be con sid ered as a yet un named Zn-In-Cu-Fe sul phide min eral. In ad di tion, co ex ist ing sul phide min er als – chal co py rite (max. 1580 ppm of In) and sphalerite (max. 1640 ppm of In) were iden ti fied as in dium car ri ers.
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