Need to enhancement of public testing approach for vulnerability scanning & security testing for multi-stakeholder


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The use of the Internet has become second daily habits of millions of people. Due to that habits security of people’s information is a most challenging aspect of the internet. Organizations, Government, Social or Individual every person are facing security risks. The use of the internet brings new and dangerous risks day to day. This is due to increasing attempts from unauthorized third parties to compromise private information for their own benefit – the whole wide area of cybercrime. Cause of improper and incomplete development of website security development or testing, hackers can easily take benefit. Generally, all websites are managed by multi-stakeholder. Thus it is tuff to prevent and test multi-stakeholder websites. This paper provides the comparative analysis of various testing methodologies, models, and tools on the base of testing and comparative analysis with current testing mechanisms. Provide the idea or highlights of a phase based security testing model, which provide vulnerabilities scanning for the secure phase to multi-stake holder’s website. KeywordsSET, SOA, Threats, Vulnerabilities, Multi stake holders
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