Law-abiding versus criminal identity and self-efficacy: A quantitative approach to unravel psychological factors supporting desistance from crime


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Previous studies suggest that the process of desistance from crime is accompanied by a shift from criminal to law-abiding identity and self-efficacy. Against this background and to explain variance in recidivism, we developed direct and indirect measures of law-abiding and criminal identity as well as a direct measure of self-efficacy for law-abiding and criminal behavior. We predicted that 1) a stronger law-abiding identity relative to criminal identity as well as 2) a stronger self-efficacy for law-abiding and a weaker self-efficacy for criminal behavior will correlate with a lower risk to reoffend and will prospectively explain variance in recidivism. We applied the developed measures in a sample of 325 offenders on probation and tested cross-sectional associations with actuarial risk factors at T1. Two to three years later, we tested whether identity and self-efficacy measured at T1 explained variance in recidivism at T2, controlling for actuarial risk factors. Results showed that a stronger law-abiding identity relative to criminal identity as well as a stronger self-efficacy for law-abiding and a weaker self-efficacy for criminal behavior correlated with a lower risk to reoffend (T1). In addition, law-abiding relative to criminal identity prospectively explained variance in recidivism over and beyond actuarial risk factors (T2). The results indicate that the strength of law-abiding identity relative to criminal identity plays a role in persisting in or desisting from criminal behavior. Yet, further research is necessary to identify the causal psychological mechanisms of identity change in the process towards desistance from crime.
desistance from crime, law-abiding identity, criminal identity, self-efficacy for law-abiding behavior, self-efficacy for criminal behavior
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