A 10-year Retrospective Study of Salivary Glands Lesions in a Brazilian Population

Julia Nascimento de Mello, Thays Teixeira de Souza,Bruno Teixeira Gonçalves Rodrigues, Carina Almeida Pires,Thiago Moreira Pêssoa, Ruth Tramontani, Ramos,Marília Heffer Cantisano,Geraldo Oliveira Silva-Júnior


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Objective: this study aimed to analyze the clinical characteristics of salivary gland lesions diagnosed in an Oral Medicine center in Brazil from 2010 to 2019. Material and Methods: the files describing all cases classified as salivary glands lesions at the Stomatology of the Polyclinic Piquet Carneiro of the State University of Rio de Janeiro from 2010 to 2019 (a 10-year period) were reviewed for the purposes of this study. Data were tabulated and analyzed descriptively and comparatively using Pearson’s Chi-Square Test and Fisher’s Exact Test using the Graph Pad Prism program (Version 6.07 by Windows, San Diego, California, USA), with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results: the analysis of 2,134 medical records 166 (7.78%) presented with salivary glands lesions in which 117 were women (70.48%) and 49 men (29.52%); the mean age of patients was 39.30; the most common clinical lesion of the salivary glands observed was mucocele representing 59 cases (35.54%), followed by sialadenitis with 33 cases (19.88%). Conclusions: According to all data gathered in this work, we concluded that the salivary gland lesions show a low prevalence and affect more white female patients in the sixth decade of life.
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