
Flexible and customer-centred electricity system


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The smart grid working group was commissioned to review and present concrete actions that would improve consumers’ opportunities to participate in the electricity market and that would promote security of supply. The working group considers demand response to be a competitive business, thusload control by distribution network operators should be dismantled in a controlled manner. Market participants would own and use energy storages. Voluntary single invoice covering both grid fees and energy sale would create more options for consumers. The working group welcomes energy communities and aggregators that combine small-scale consumption and generation into larger flexible units. The goal is to enable new participants to join the electricity markets on equal and market-based terms. The working group agrees that the fixed distribution charge could be replaced with a power component to give consumers better chances of influencing their distribution costs. Harmonised structures for distribution charges would increase transparency. The working group does not support the adoption of a proportional electricity tax due to its many problems. The load control capability for the new smart meters would introduce demand response to a great number of consumers. Technical systems in buildings should be designed to support demand response. A sufficient level of cyber security should be ensured in light of the increasing number of smart devices in use. The proposal would introduce many changes to the customers making communication and advice essential. The proposed measures would mean significant changes for the customers, and it would be important to provide information and guidance. Publisher Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Distributed by/ publication sales Electronic version: Publication sales:
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