Investigating potential icequakes at Llaima volcano, Chile

Carolina Digital Repository (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)(2019)

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2 Glaciallyand magmatically-derived seismic events have been noted to heavily overlap in 3 characteristics, thus there exists the potential for false-alarms or missed warnings at ice-covered 4 volcanoes. Here we present the first study to specifically target icequakes at an ice-covered 5 volcano in Southern Chile. Two months of broadband seismic data collected at Llaima volcano in 6 2015 were analyzed in order to quantify, characterize, and locate glacially-derived seismic events 7 at one of the most active ice-covered volcanoes in the region. We find over 1,000 repeating 8 seismic events across 11 families, the largest of which contains 397 events. Approximate locations 9 and characteristics of the largest families lead us to conclude that these events were derived 10 from persistent stick-slip motion along the ice-rock interface at the base of a glacier near the 11 volcano summit. These results have implications for future seismic monitoring at Llaima volcano 12 and other ice-covered active volcanoes in the region. 13
potential icequakes,llaima volcano,chile
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