Actas de las Jenui, vol. 6. 2021


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The Bachelor's Degree in Data Science and Engineering (GCED) at UPC-BarcelonaTech trains its students in data analysis and engineering with a mathematical basis and engineering skills that allow them to model and solve complex problems. In the last year, students have not yet analyzed data sets that help improving software quality, nor have they exploited good software engineering practices in data science projects. In the 2020/2021 academic year, the subject Advanced Topics in Data Engineering 2 (TAED2) is taken at the GCED for the first time. This teaching experience shows the introduction of project-based learning in the subject laboratory, where students applied data science and good software engineering practices to analyze and detect improvements in software quality. We carried out a case study in seven laboratory sessions with 33 GCED students. The students found the execution of the project positive for their learning. In the project, they highlighted the utility of using a CRISP-DM data mining process and good software engineering practice: a software project structure convention applied to a data science project.
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