Developing Prototype Climate Services in CSSP China

Jennifer Weeks,Stacey New,Tyrone Dunbar, Nicola Golding,Chris Hewitt


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There is an increasing demand for tailored climate information to feed into decision making. At the UK Met Office, we are responding to this need through work in the Climate Science for Services Partnership (CSSP) China, a scientific research programme in collaboration with the China Meteorological Administration and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We are applying a full cycle of prototyping to a range of new and existing climate services for priority sectors in China, such as food security and urban hotspot satellite mapping, using leading climate research to co-develop useful and useable climate services.

Recent research in food security has produced a toolkit for risk to crop production across multiple regions in China. We are now evolving the accessibility and communication of this information with decision-makers to enable delivery of this service to the appropriate end-user groups. We are also working to tailor urban hotspot satellite data to specific users, for instance the health sector, to identify and inform vulnerable populations. Through appropriate user engagement, such as workshops, surveys and interviews, we are exploring specific stakeholder requirements to pull-through science to services. This work has wider implications in having the potential to feed into important adaptation decisions and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the cycle of prototyping.

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