
Fast Toeplitz Eigenvalue Computations, Joining Interpolation-Extrapolation Matrix-Less Algorithms and Simple-Loop Theory

Applied mathematics and computation(2024)

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Under appropriate technical assumptions, the simple-loop theory allows to derive various types of asymptotic expansions for the eigenvalues of Toeplitz matrices generated by a function f. Independently and under the milder hypothesis that f is even and monotone over [0,π], matrix-less algorithms have been developed for the fast eigenvalue computation of large Toeplitz matrices, within a linear complexity in the matrix order: behind the high efficiency of such algorithms there are the expansions predicted by the simple-loop theory, combined with the extrapolation idea. Here we focus our attention on a change of variable, followed by the asymptotic expansion of the new variable, and we adapt the matrix-less algorithm to the considered new setting. Numerical experiments show a higher precision (till machine precision) and the same linear computation cost, when compared with the matrix-less procedures already presented in the relevant literature. Among the advantages, we concisely mention the following: (a) when the coefficients of the simple-loop function are analytically known, the algorithm computes them perfectly; (b) while the proposed algorithm is better or at worst comparable to the previous ones for computing the inner eigenvalues, it is vastly better for the computation of the extreme eigenvalues; a mild deterioration in the quality of the numerical experiments is observed when dense Toeplitz matrices are considered, having generating function of low smoothness and not satisfying the simple-loop assumptions.
Toeplitz matrix,Spectra,Preconditioned matrix,Asymptotic expansion,Numerical algorithm
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