Natural History of Incident and Persistent Cutaneous Human Papillomavirus and Human Polyomavirus Infections


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Background Cutaneous human papillomaviruses (cuHPV) and polyomaviruses (HPyV) have been implicated in skin cancers; however, interpretation of findings across studies is complicated by limited understanding of the natural history of these infections across normal tissue types. Methods In total, 675 eyebrow hair (EBH) and skin swab (SSW) samples were collected from 71 skin cancer screening patients every 6 months over 2 years and measured for presence of beta-HPV, gamma-HPV, and HPyV. Incidence, persistence, and clearance of cuHPV/HPyV were estimated, and risk factors associated with infection were examined. Results Prevalence, incidence, and persistence of beta-HPV, gamma-HPV, and HPyV were consistently higher in SSW than in EBH, with types 5, 24, 49, 76 and Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) having incidence rates greater than 20 per 1000 person-months. Prevalent gamma-HPV EBH infections persisted more often in women (P = .024), incident beta-HPV EBH infections persisted less often among individuals with history of blistering sunburn (P = .019), and prevalent MCPyV SSW infections persisted more often in those with a history of skin cancer (P = .033). Conclusions Incidence and persistence of cuHPV/HPyV were observed in SSW and EBH; however, none of the risk factors examined were commonly associated with cuHPV/HPyV infections across normal tissue types. Cutaneous human papillomavirus and polyomavirus infection incidence and persistence were consistently higher in skin swabs than in eyebrow hairs. Our findings suggest that the normal tissue type of the infection may play a role in the viral natural history.
basal cell carcinoma, cutaneous HPV, incidence, natural history, persistence, polyomavirus, risk factors, squamous cell carcinoma
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