Development of a risk assessment profile tool to determine appropriate use of SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen detection tests for different activities and events in Ireland, since October 2021.

Patrick Wg Mallon,Mary Horgan,Conor G McAloon,Peter D Lunn,Julian Little,Andrew Beck,Alexandria Bennett,Nicole Shaver, Aileen Conway, Rhea O'Regan,Barbara Whelan, Rapid Testing Expert Advisory Group, Ireland, Members of the Rapid Testing Expert Advisory Group

Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin(2022)

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We describe the development of a risk assessment profile tool that incorporates data from multiple domains to help determine activities and events where rapid antigen detection tests (Ag-RDT) could be used to screen asymptomatic individuals to identify infectious cases as an additional mitigation measure to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2. The tool aims to stratify, in real time, the overall risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission associated with common activities and events, and this can be matched to an appropriate Ag-RDT testing protocol.
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