Topic analysis of academic disciplines based on prolific and authoritative researchers


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Purpose The paper aims to explore whether topic analysis (identification of the core contents, trends and topic distribution in the target field) can be performed using a more low-cost and easily applicable method that relies on a small dataset, and how we can obtain this small dataset based on the features of the publications. Design/methodology/approach The paper proposes a topic analysis method based on prolific and authoritative researchers (PARs). First, the authors identify PARs in a specific discipline by considering the number of publications and citations of authors. Based on the research publications of PARs (small dataset), the authors then construct a keyword co-occurrence network and perform a topic analysis. Finally, the authors compare the method with the traditional method. Findings The authors found that using a small dataset (only 6.47% of the complete dataset in our experiment) for topic analysis yields relatively high-quality and reliable results. The comparison analysis reveals that the proposed method is quite similar to the results of traditional large dataset analysis in terms of publication time distribution, research areas, core keywords and keyword network density. Research limitations/implications Expert opinions are needed in determining the parameters of PARs identification algorithm. The proposed method may neglect the publications of junior researchers and its biases should be discussed. Practical implications This paper gives a practical way on how to implement disciplinary analysis based on a small dataset, and how to identify this dataset by proposing a PARs-based topic analysis method. The proposed method presents a useful view of the data based on PARs that can produce results comparable to traditional method, and thus will improve the effectiveness and cost of interdisciplinary topic analysis. Originality/value This paper proposes a PARs-based topic analysis method and verifies that topic analysis can be performed using a small dataset.
Prolific and authoritative researchers, Small datasets, Disciplines, Topic analysis, Keyword co-occurrence network
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