
Linguistic Analysis of Results of Variable Courses Selection by HEI’s Students


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The aim of this article is linguistic analysis of results of variable courses selection by HEI’s students. Selection of variable courses allows students to participate in the formation of ways of their individual professional development. The article presents a linguistic analysis of selected courses by students of the Lviv Polytechnic National University. It is established that students do not always pay attention to the information content of various courses, and make selection only based on their title. In the linguistic analysis process was found that most students selected courses that contain, popular for this specialty, keywords (eg, "startup", "hacking", etc.) or words that characterize course in terms of organizing their own business (eg, "business analysis", "business management", etc.). The article analyzes popular search queries and popular variable courses, taking into account their subject markers. That is shows the existence of trends dependence to selection of these courses on interest over time of search queries that contain these subject markers. The paper also establishes the accordance of popular variable courses to the main trends of information retrieval on the Internet. That is why the linguistic analysis of the results of variable courses selection will allow the representatives of higher education institutions to focus on the needs of consumers of educational services and the growing popularity of certain courses of the student's selection. This will allow HEI to effectively plan the educational process.
Variable course,Search query,Higher education institution,Subject marker,Student,Related Query
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