Design of immunogens for eliciting antibody responses that may protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants

PLOS Computational Biology(2022)

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The rise of SARS-CoV-2 variants and the history of outbreaks caused by zoonotic coronaviruses point to the need for next-generation vaccines that confer protection against variant strains. Here, we combined analyses of diverse sequences and structures of coronavirus spikes with data from deep mutational scanning to design SARS-CoV-2 variant antigens containing the most significant mutations that may emerge. We trained a neural network to predict RBD expression and ACE2 binding from sequence, which allowed us to determine that these antigens are stable and bind to ACE2. Thus, they represent viable variants. We then used a computational model of affinity maturation (AM) to study the antibody response to immunization with different combinations of the designed antigens. The results suggest that immunization with a cocktail of the antigens is likely to promote evolution of higher titers of antibodies that target SARS-CoV-2 variants than immunization or infection with the wildtype virus alone. Finally, our analysis of 12 coronaviruses from different genera identified the S2’ cleavage site and fusion peptide as potential pan-coronavirus vaccine targets. Author Summary SARS-CoV-2 variants have already emerged and future variants may pose greater threats to the efficacy of current vaccines. Rather than using a reactive approach to vaccine development that would lag behind the evolution of the virus, such as updating the sequence in the vaccine with a current variant, we sought to use a proactive approach that predicts some of the mutations that could arise that could evade current immune responses. Then, by including these mutations in a new vaccine antigen, we might be able to protect against those potential variants before they appear. Toward this end, we used various computational methods including sequence analysis and machine learning to design such antigens. We then used simulations of antibody development, and the results suggest that immunization with our designed antigens is likely to result in an antibody response that is better able to target SARS-CoV-2 variants than current vaccines. We also leveraged our sequence analysis to suggest that a particular site on the spike protein could serve as a useful target for a pan-coronavirus vaccine. ### Competing Interest Statement AKC is a consultant for Flagship Pioneering (titled, ‘Academic Partner’) and a member of the strategic oversight board and consultant for FL77 (a Flagship Pioneering company).
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