Overview of Road Traffic Management Solutions based on IoT and AI

Procedia Computer Science(2022)

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In recent decades the number of vehicles on the world’s roads has continued to increase. However, road capacity does not develop at the same rate, which generates a considerably increased congestion rate. To minimize this difficult problem, the researchers opted for intelligent and efficient use of existing infrastructure through adaptive traffic management. The various recent proposed approaches have been based on new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data. In this paper a global vision on various road traffic management solutions proposed in the literature is introduced, a classification and an evaluation of these road traffic management solutions are proposed. In particular, we start by presenting routing mechanisms, then solutions that are based on the use of traffic lights, then approaches that aim to manage network traffic. We discuss these solutions thereafter. Finally, we present new directions for future research on urban road traffic management.
Smart cities,Traffic management,Intelligent Transportation Systems,Artificial intelligence,Internet of Things
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