Recommendations for tissue homogenisation and extraction in DNA metabarcoding of Malaise trap samples


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With increased application of DNA metabarcoding in fast and high-resolution biodiversity assessment, various laboratory protocols have been optimised in recent years and their further evaluation is subject of current research. Homogenisation of bulk samples and subsequent DNA extraction from destructed tissue is one way of starting the metabarcoding process. This essential step in the protocol can either be conducted from wet sample material (e.g. bulk insect samples) soaked in fixative or from completely dried individuals. While the latter method appears to produce more consistent results, it is time consuming and more prone to cross-contamination. We tested both homogenisation approaches with regard to time efficiency and biodiversity assessment of complex arthropod bulk samples, in particular how the amount of processed tissue affects taxon recovery. Both approaches reveal similar taxa compositions and detect a similar total OTU diversity in a single extraction reaction. Increased amounts of tissue used in DNA extraction improved OTU diversity detection and recovered particularly specific low-biomass taxa, making this approach valuable for samples with high biomass and/or diversity. Due to less handling time and lower vulnerability for cross-contamination we recommend the processing of wet material when sample homogenisation is applied. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
dna metabarcoding,malaise trap samples,tissue homogenisation,extraction
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