
Implementation of a large-scale breast cancer early detection program in a resource-constrained setting: real-world experiences from 2 large states in India

Somesh Kumar,Gulnoza Usmanova,Tapas Sadasivan Nair,Vineet Kumar Srivastava,Rakesh Singh, Nochiketa Mohanty, Nadeem Akhtar, Meshach Sunny Kujur,Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Suranjeen Prasad Pallipamula,Gaurav Agarwal, Amresh Bahadur Singh,Vivek Kashyap, Maura McCarthy,Erica J. Liebermann,Ophira Ginsburg


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Background The Breast Health Initiative (BHI) was launched to demonstrate a scalable model to improve access to early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Methods A package of evidence-based interventions was codesigned and implemented with the stakeholders, as part of the national noncommunicable disease program, through the existing primary health care system. Data from the first 18 months of the BHI are presented. Results A total of 108,112 women received breast health education; 48% visited the health facilities for clinical breast examination (CBE), 3% had a positive CBE result, and 41% were referred to a diagnostic facility. The concordance of CBE findings between health care providers and adherence to follow-up care improved considerably, with more women visiting the diagnostic facilities and completing diagnostic evaluation within 1 month from initial screening, and with only 9% lost to follow-up. The authors observed a clinically meaningful decrease in time to complete diagnostic evaluation with biopsy, from 37 to 9 days. Conclusions The results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing a large-scale, decentralized breast cancer early detection program delivered through the existing primary health care system in India. (c) 2022 The Authors. Cancer published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Cancer Society This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial--NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non--commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
breast cancer,diagnosis,early detection,implementation,India
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