
Utilization of Resources in Abandoned Coal Mines for Carbon Neutrality

Science of the total environment(2022)

引用 46|浏览17
Under the new vista of carbon neutrality, all industries in China face new challenges. As the pillar industry for fossil energy, the coal industry cannot blindly “de-coal”. It is necessary to combine the two-way force associated with abandoned mines to turn energy into resources and problems into solutions. Innovation that combines emission reduction and neutralization can overcome the bottlenecks in carbon neutralization in abandoned mines, and help achieve the national carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060. This involves the entire life cycle of the mine, including the status quo of abandoned coal mines, and the development of downstream industries. The development mode of resource utilization in abandoned mines in accordance with the national situation was summarized, and the suggestion of carbon neutralization in abandoned mines was put forward, which involves three steps: (1) Define the value of abandoned mines, consolidate energy market share, enjoy the policy dividend, and realize carbon neutralization breakthrough; (2) list the development path of carbon neutralization in abandoned mines, utilize photosynthesis to sequester carbon, combine industrial advantages to promote the development of a new energy industry, promote the integration of carbon emission, gathering, sequestration and utilization, realize carbon sequestration and mineralization in terminals and participate in carbon sink market allocation; (3) promote multiple simultaneous measures to solve existing problems, develop abandoned mines, and implement carbon neutralization goals.
Energy systems,Environmental engineering,Abandoned coal mines,Carbon neutrality,Carbon sink,Fossil energy
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