
Marine Heatwaves Hamper Neuro-Immune and Oxidative Tolerance Toward Carbamazepine in Mytilus Galloprovincialis

Environmental pollution(2022)

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The increased frequency and intensity of short-term extreme warming phenomena have been associated to harsh biological and ecosystem outcomes (i.e., mass mortalities in marine organisms). Marine heatwaves (MHWs), occurring when seasonal temperature threshold is exceeded for at least 5 consecutive days, may reduce the tolerance of coastal species toward additional pressures, but interactions between such multiple stressors are virtually unexplored. The present study aimed to characterize in Mytilus galloprovincialis the influence of a simulated MHW scenario on the toxicological effects of the pharmaceutical carbamazepine (CBZ), ubiquitously detected in the marine environment and chosen as model compound for this relevant class of emerging contaminants. The bioaccumulation of CBZ and responsiveness of various biological parameters, including immune system, antioxidant status, lipid metabolism and cellular integrity, were analyzed in exposed mussels both during and after the end of the heatwave. MHW appeared to strongly modulate accumulation of CBZ, paralleled by weakened immunocompetence and onset of oxidative disturbance that finally evolved to cellular damages and lipid metabolism disorders. Elaboration of the overall results through a quantitative Weight of Evidence model, revealed the highest hazard in organisms exposed to both the stressors 10 days after the end of the heatwave, suggesting that MHWs could leave a footprint on the capability of mussels to counteract CBZ toxicity, thus affecting their vulnerability and predisposition to adverse effects toward multiple stressors.
Marine heatwaves,Environmental pharmaceuticals,Oxidative stress,Immune system,Marine mussels,Multiple stressors
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