
Image-derived and Physiological Markers to Predict Adequate Adenosine-Induced Hyperemic Response in Rubidium-82 Myocardial Perfusion Imaging.

Journal of nuclear cardiology(2022)

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AIMS:This study aimed to investigate the potential of different markers to identify adequate stressing in subjects with and without caffeine intake prior to Rubidium-82 myocardial imaging.METHODS AND RESULTS:This study comprised 40 healthy subjects who underwent four serial Rubidium-82 rest/adenosine stress MPI; two with 0mg caffeine consumption (baseline MPIs) and two with controlled consumption of caffeine (arm 1: 100 and 300mg, or arm 2: 200 and 400mg). We report the sensitivity and specificity of seven markers ability to predict adequate adenosine-induced hyperemic response: (1) the splenic response ratio (SRR); (2) splenic stress-to-rest intensity ratios (SIR); (3) changes in heart rate (ΔHR); (4) percentwise change in heart rate (Δ%HR); (5) changes in the rate pressure product (ΔRPP); (6) changes in the systolic blood pressure (ΔSBP); and (7) changes in the cardiovascular resistance (ΔCVR). Adequate stressing was determined as stress myocardial blood flow > 3ml/g/min and a corresponding myocardial flow reserve >68% of the individual maximum myocardial flow reserve obtained in the baseline MPIs.RESULTS:129 MPI sessions (obtained in 39 subjects) were considered for this study. The following sensitivities were obtained: SSR = 72.7%, SIR = 63.6%, ΔHR = 45.5%, Δ%HR = 77.3%, ΔRPP = 54.5%, ΔSBP = 47.7%, and ΔCVR =40.9%, while the specificities were SSR = 80.9%, SIR = 85.0%, ΔHR = 90.4%, Δ%HR = 81.6%, ΔRPP=81.1%, ΔSBP = 86.4%, and ΔCVR =90.4%.CONCLUSION:The image-derived and physiological markers all provide acceptable sensitivities and specificities when patients follow the caffeine pausation before MPI. However, their use warrants great care when caffeine consumption cannot be ruled out.
Myocardial flow reserve,Cardiac PET,82-Rubidium,Pharmacological stress,Adenosine
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