Genome enrichment of rare and unknown species from complicated microbiomes by nanopore selective sequencing.

Genome research(2023)

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Rare species are vital members of a microbial community, but retrieving their genomes is difficult because of their low abundance. The ReadUntil (RU) approach allows nanopore devices to sequence specific DNA molecules selectively in real time, which provides an opportunity for enriching rare species. Despite the robustness of enriching rare species by reducing the sequencing depth of known host sequences, such as the human genome, there is still a gap in RU-based enriching of rare species in environmental samples whose community composition is unclear, and many rare species have poor or incomplete reference genomes in public databases. Therefore, here we present metaRUpore to overcome this challenge. When we applied metaRUpore to a thermophilic anaerobic digester (TAD) community and human gut microbial community, it reduced coverage of the high-abundance populations and modestly increased (∼2×) the genome coverage of the rare taxa, facilitating successful recovery of near-finished metagenome-assembled genomes (nf-MAGs) of rare species. The simplicity and robustness of the approach make it accessible for laboratories with moderate computational resources, and hold the potential to become the standard practice in future metagenomic sequencing of complicated microbiomes.
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