
Raman, Infrared and Brillouin Spectroscopies of Biofluids for Medical Diagnostics and for Detection of Biomarkers

Critical reviews in analytical chemistry(2022)

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This review surveys Infrared, Raman/SERS and Brillouin spectroscopies for medical diagnostics and detection of biomarkers in biofluids, that include urine, blood, saliva and other biofluids. These optical sensing techniques are non-contact, noninvasive and relatively rapid, accurate, label-free and affordable. However, those techniques still have to overcome some challenges to be widely adopted in routine clinical diagnostics. This review summarizes and provides insights on recent advancements in research within the field of vibrational spectroscopy for medical diagnostics and its use in detection of many health conditions such as kidney injury, cancers, cardiovascular and infectious diseases. The six comprehensive tables in the review and four tables in summarize a few dozen experimental papers in terms of such analytical parameters as limit of detection, range, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, and other figures of merits. Critical comparison between SERS and FTIR methods of analysis reveals that on average the reported sensitivity for biomarkers in biofluids for SERS vs FTIR is about 10(3) to 10(5) times higher, since LOD SERS are lower than LOD FTIR by about this factor. High sensitivity gives SERS an edge in detection of many biomarkers present in biofluids at low concentration (nM and sub nM), which can be particularly advantageous for example in early diagnostics of cancer or viral infections.
SERS,infrared spectroscopy,Brillouin spectroscopy,biomarker,biofluid,urine analysis,blood,serum,cancer biomarkers,LOD,sensitivity,specificity
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