The Impact of TruNatomy and ProTaper Gold Instruments on the Preservation of the Periradicular Dentin and on the Enlargement of the Apical Canal of Mandibular Molars

Journal of Endodontics(2022)

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Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the preservation of periradicular dentin and the enlargement of the apical canal of mandibular molars with TruNatomy (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and ProTaper Gold (Dentsply Sirona) instruments. Methods: Twenty mandibular molars were scanned in a micro-computed tomographic device, anatomically paired, and distributed into 2 groups (n 5 10). In the ProTaper Gold group, mesial and distal canals were prepared up to F2 (25/.08v) and F3 (30/.09v) instruments, whereas in the Tru-Natomy group, mesial and distal canals were enlarged up to the prime (26/.04v) and medium (36/.03v) instruments, respectively. After a new scan, the surface area, volume, unprepared areas, transportation, percentage of dentin removal, and dentin thickness parameters were calculated. Data were compared between groups using the Mann-Whitney test, the Student t test, and the nonmetric multidimensional scaling test with alpha set at 5%. Results: No difference was found between groups regarding unprepared canal areas and the reduction of dentin thickness (P . .05). Transportation was lower than 0.1 mm in all groups, and statistical differences were observed only at the apical third of the mesiobuccal canal with lower values in the TruNatomy group. ProTaper Gold removed more dentin than TruNatomy at the coronal level of mesial roots (1.8% and 1.0%, respectively) (P , .05). Conclusions: TruNatomy and ProTaper Gold were efficient for performing canal preparation in mandibular molars. The tested systems were similar in terms of untouched canal walls and remaining dentin thickness and slightly different in the apical transportation of mesial canals and the percentage of dentin removal at the coronal third but without clinically significant errors. (J Endod 2022;48:650-658.)
Canal preparation,mandibular molars,micro–computed tomography,minimally invasive endodontics,rotary systems,shaping ability
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