
Localised grade 2 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Results of treatment with radiotherapy (BNLI report no. 24)

Clinical Radiology(1984)

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This report reviews 85 patients entered into the British National Lymphoma Investigation with localised (clinical Stage 1 and 2) Grade 2 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, who were treated initially with radiotherapy alone. Almost half of all patients presented with extranodal disease. The duration of follow-up was 20–106 months. There were 33 deaths due to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The complete local response rate was dependent on the radiotherapy dose and reached 100% for doses of 4500 cGy or more. Most first failures occurred at a distant nodal site or were due to the development of generalised disease. There was a significant difference in actuarial survival between Stage 1 and Stage 2 patients (P<0.005). The 5-year survivals were 78% and 40%, respectively. The site of presenting disease was also important. Stage 1 patients with nodal or ear, nose and throat (ENT) disease had an excellent 5-year survival of 84%, but Stage 2 patients with nodal or ENT disease had a 5-year survival of only 46%. As many of these Stage 2 patients rapidly developed disseminated disease, their survival might have been improved by treatment with chemotherapy before radiotherapy. This report reviews 85 patients entered into the British National Lymphoma Investigation with localised (clinical Stage 1 and 2) Grade 2 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, who were treated initially with radiotherapy alone. Almost half of all patients presented with extranodal disease. The duration of follow-up was 20–106 months. There were 33 deaths due to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The complete local response rate was dependent on the radiotherapy dose and reached 100% for doses of 4500 cGy or more. Most first failures occurred at a distant nodal site or were due to the development of generalised disease. There was a significant difference in actuarial survival between Stage 1 and Stage 2 patients (P<0.005). The 5-year survivals were 78% and 40%, respectively. The site of presenting disease was also important. Stage 1 patients with nodal or ear, nose and throat (ENT) disease had an excellent 5-year survival of 84%, but Stage 2 patients with nodal or ENT disease had a 5-year survival of only 46%. As many of these Stage 2 patients rapidly developed disseminated disease, their survival might have been improved by treatment with chemotherapy before radiotherapy.
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