
Intraoperative Use of Electrical Stapedius Reflex Testing for Cochlear Nerve Monitoring During Simultaneous Translabyrinthine Resection of Vestibular Schwannoma and Cochlear Implantation

Otology & neurotology(2022)

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Objective: To report the novel use of intraoperative electrically evoked stapedial reflex (eSR) for cochlear nerve monitoring during simultaneous translabyrinthine resection of vestibular schwannoma (VS) and cochlear implantation. Study Design: Clinical capsule report with video demonstration. Setting: Tertiary academic referral center. Patient: A 58-year-old female presented with a small right intracanalicular VS with associated asymmetrical right moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss, poor word recognition, tinnitus, and disequilibrium. Based on patient symptomatology and goals, simultaneous CI with translabyrinthine resection of the VS was performed. Intervention: Cochlear implantation before the tumor was resected facilitated intraoperative eSRs by delivering repeated single-electrode stimulations through the cochlear implant (CI) electrode during tumor resection. A pulse duration of 50-us and a current amplitude of 200-CL or 648-us was used to elicit eSRs visible through the facial recess. Intraoperative eSR was monitored in conjunction with electrically evoked compound action potentials via neural response telemetry and electrical auditory brainstem response. Results: Despite the transient evoked compound action potentials amplitude and electrical auditory brainstem response latency changes, the visually observed eSR was preserved and remained robust throughout tumor dissection, indicating an intact cochlear nerve. Four weeks postoperatively, the patient exhibited open-set speech capacity (14% CNC and 36% AzBio in quiet). Conclusion: The current study demonstrates the feasibility of using intraoperative eSR via a CI electrode to monitor cochlear nerve integrity during VS resection, which may indicate successful CI outcomes. These preliminary findings require further substantiation in a larger study.
Cochlear implantation,Cochlear nerve preservation,Evoked stapedial reflex,Hearing preservation,Vestibular schwannoma
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