
A New Member of the Mouse Prolactin (Prl)-Like Protein-C Subfamily, PRL-Like Protein-Cα: Structure and Expression**This Work Was Supported by Grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (HD-20676, HD-29797, HD-33994; to M.J.S.) and the Paul Patton Memorial Trust (to R.A.W.).


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In this study, we establish the presence of a unique member of the PRL-like protein-C (PLP-C) subfamily in the mouse, PLP-C alpha, characterize its complementary DNA and gene, and map its chromosomal location and pattern of expression during pregnancy. Mouse PLP-C alpha encodes for a 239 amino acid protein and possesses from 69-71% identity with rat PLP-C, PLP-Cv, PLP-D, and PLP-H. Another feature characteristic of PLP-C subfamily members that is also present in mouse PLP-C alpha is a 6-exon/5-intron gene structure including an aromatic domain encoded by exon 3. Southern analysis with mouse and rat PLP-C subfamily probes suggested the existence of a single mouse PLP-C alpha gene. Mouse PLP-C alpha maps to chromosome 13 along with other members of the mouse PRL family. Expression of mouse PLP-C alpha increases dramatically as gestation advances and is restricted to spongiotrophoblast and trophoblast giant cells of the junctional zone. In summary, we have established the presence of a new PLP-C subfamily member in the mouse and demonstrated its similarity in structure and expression to rat PLP-C subfamily members. This level of conservation between species expands the biological significance of the PLP-C subfamily and provides additional opportunities for genetically evaluating its function.
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