Correlation between Instrumental Parameter and Sensory Parameter in the Texture of Cooked Rice

The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition(2016)

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This study aimed to find the optimum instrumental test conditions for the Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) of cooked rice in order to predict the sensory texture attributes (hardness, adhesiveness, chewiness). Sensory evaluation was performed for three kinds of instant cooked rice with university students in their twenties and the results of the sensory evaluation were compared to instrumental TPA patterns. Using partial least squares regression, the instrumental TPA results at a cross-head speed of 1.0 mm/sec and a compression ratio of 70% proved to be an excellent predictor of the sensory attributes of hardness ($R^2=0.99$) and chewiness ($R^2=0.99$). The results at a cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/sec and compression ratio of 30% provided an excellent model for the prediction of sensory adhesiveness ($R^2=0.83$). In this experimental range, sensory hardness and chewiness showed a high correlation with instrumental TPA parameters (hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, springiness, chewiness) with a high cross-head speed and compression ratio, while sensory adhesiveness showed a high correlation with the TPA parameters with a low cross-head speed and compression ratio.
sensory parameter,rice,instrumental parameter,texture
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