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Amyloid Inhibitors: Lysine-Derived Carbon Dots for Chiral Inhibition of Prion Peptide Fibril Assembly (Adv. Therap. 4/2018)

Advanced Therapeutics(2018)

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In article number 1800006, Raz Jelinek and co-workers report that enantiomeric C-dots, synthesized from either d-Lysine or l-Lysine, interfere with aggregation of the amyloidogenic determinant of the prion protein. The interactions of the chiral Lys-C-dots with the amyloidogenic determinant, as well as with membrane bilayers, appear to be stereoselective, with the l-Lys-C-dots inhibiting amyloidogenic aggregation more effectively than d-Lys-C-dots.
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prion peptide fibril assembly,amyloid,chiral inhibition,carbon dots,lysine-derived
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