L’économie sociale et les sociétés d’État en Amérique du Nord (Canada, Mexique et États-Unis) dans le contexte de l’ALENA

Interventions économiques(2017)

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While NAFTA is explicitly challenged by the United States, the principal partner in the agreement, it is interesting to consider how state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and the social economy have evolved over the past decade. These two forms of enterprise have often been presented as vectors of economic democratization, at least by the supporters of social democracy. Our contribution consists of three parts. In the first section, we will outline the three countries that have been together since 1994 in a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which will provide a glimpse of the context in which the social economy and SOEs. In a second section, we give an overview of the social economy in the three countries and highlight some issues and challenges. In the third section, we proceed in the same way for state-owned enterprises. Finally, in a general conclusion, we identify the elements of convergence and divergence between these two types of enterprises, while recognizing the specificities of the three countries concerned.
Mexico,Canada,social economy,United States,NAFTA,North American
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