
The Asymmetrical Effects of Valence in Affect Transfer: A Motivated Information Processing Angle

Proceedings - Academy of Management(2019)

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Affect researchers have long argued that the affect transfer process can be asymmetrical depending on the valence (i.e., positive vs. negative) of affect being transferred, as individuals possess a natural tendency to augment positivity and mitigate negativity (i.e., self-enhancement motive). Nevertheless, there is lack of empirical evidence supporting this theoretical speculation. Taking a motivated information processing perspective, we argue that one missing ingredient that is essential for explicating such self-enhancement based asymmetrical affect transfer is self-regulatory resource, which is a requisite for enacting self-enhancement motive during affect transfer. Further, individuals with different levels of trait self-enhancement may differ in the enactment of their self-enhancement motive during affect transfer. Hypotheses were tested with data from 155 customer service employees over 10 work days using a daily diary method. As expected, when employees were more depleted in their self-regulatory resource (i.e., high self-regulatory resource depletion), they were less capable of augmenting positivity and mitigating negativity during affect transfer when processing coworkers’ or customers’ affective displays. In addition, the trait self-enhancement acted as a boundary condition to shape the moderating effects of self-regulatory resource depletion on the relations between coworkers’ affective displays and employee affect.
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