
Paving the Road to M&A Success: Antecedents, Processes, and Outcomes of Post- Merger Integration

Proceedings - Academy of Management(2019)

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Acquisitions enable firms to source critical capabilities and close resource gaps but often fail to achieve firms’ anticipated benefits. Reasons for M&A failure often lay in the challenges the acquirer faces in the Post-Merger Integration (PMI) process that follows M&A. The PMI literature holds many yet to be answered research questions about how the PMI process affects individuals, and how their behaviors, in turn, impact M&A outcomes. The investigation of such individual- level contextual factors in the PMI process poses particularly interesting avenues for future research. A combination of in-depth case studies and large-scale studies based on individual-level data can help scholars overcome these constraints in our knowledge of PMI. The presentations in this symposium shed light upon micro-foundational aspects of PMI from a variety of angles. The symposium fosters the academic discourse on how firms can successfully lead the PMI process, leverage and integrate acquired resources, and realize the full potential of M&A synergies. It also aims at instigating discussions about how PMI can serve as context for building theory relevant to other organizational contexts. Why Choose One? Complementarities between Technology Acquisitions and Hiring of Inventors Presenter: Arianna Marchetti; INSEAD Presenter: Philipp Meyer-Doyle; INSEAD Presenter: Ithai Stern; INSEAD Acquihired Presenter: Moshe Barach; Carlson School of Management Presenter: Weiyi Ng; National U. of Singapore Presenter: Toby E Stuart; U. of California, Berkeley Physician Organization and Incentives in Childbirth Presenter: Ambar La Forgia; Columbia U. The Effect of Employee Mobility on Post-Merger Performance Presenter: Julia Bodner; INSEAD Presenter: Andrew V. Shipilov; INSEAD Presenter: Kaisa E. Snellman; INSEAD Multi-Pace Integration Approach, Situated Attention, and Firm Performance Presenter: Natalia Vuori; Aalto U.
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