
Interrelation of funnelbeaker culture on its south-eastern borderlands

Materials and Studies on Archaeology of Sub-Carpathian and Volhynian Area(2018)

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The south-eastern boundary of the Funnelbeaker culture is defined by the basins of Dnister and Zakhidnyi Bug Rivers within the limits of Lviv and Volyn regions of Ukraine. Its further advance to the east was blocked by the more powerful Trypillia culture. Long-term studying of these cultures shows that the largest number of imports were found at the closest settlements, located between them, on the distance about 30–50 km. However, some items were discovered deeply on the territory of its neighbors (Bronocice, Kamień Łukawski, Zhvanets, Brînzeni). The interrelations between them was peaceful and they did not cause significant changes in the material or spiritual culture of each other. An amount of imports in their environments does not exceed 1 %. These contacts began at around 3700/600 B.C., and continued during the stage CII of Trypillia culture, until the end of the existence of Funnelbeaker culture (2800 B.C.). On Volhynia, in particular in the Goryn and Viliya Rivers basins, these connections were much stronger than in the upper reaches of Dnister and Bug Rivers, which is obviously connected with the ways to the flint deposits, controlled by Trypillia culture. Among the groups of Trypillia culture, which interacted with Funnelbeaker culture, were Koshylivtsi, Brînzeni, Vykhvatyntsi ones and Gorodsk type. Key words: Funnelbeaker culture, Trypillia culture, cultural interrelations, imports, ceramic ware.
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