
Rapid Detection of Methecillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Using Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)

Alaa Fathelrahman,Abdel Rahim M El Hussein, Abd Elrahman Hassan Ishag,Hassan Madni,Mohamed O Mustafa, Razan A Bashir,Tarteel Hassan, Isam M Elkhidi,Khalid A Enan

Acta scientific microbiology(2019)

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Background: Staphylococcus aureus, including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), is a major bacterial pathogen associated with nosocomial and community-acquired S. aureus infections all over the world. Aim:The aim of this study was to establish the loop mediated isothermal amplification technique as a rapid detection method for methicillin resistant S. aureus. Methods:The study was carried out in Omdurman Military hospital, Alshorta hospital, and Alneelain university dental clinic.A total of 60 samples were collected and cultured, All confirmed S. aureus isolates were tested against oxacillin antibiotic by the disk diffusion method to detect MRSA isolates LAMP and PCR assays were then used to detect mec A gene directly from the samples and from culture isolates.Results: Among 60 (wound, dental plaque and urine) seven samples (11.6%)MRSA were detected by culture, 5% were found positive for mec A using LAMP and 3.3% using PCR.LAMP detected mec A in 100% of the seven MRSA isolates, PCR detected mec A in 14.3%.The LAMP results were confirmed using melting analysis. Conclusion:The LAMP described herein is a reliable and rapid method for detection of the mec A gene.Generally, these findings are useful for future studies since there is little available information about MRSA infection in Sudan.LAMP can be used in a hospital setting for rapid diagnosis of MSRA, this should help better management and treatment of the affected patients in addition to rapid initiation of infection control procedures.
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