
Awareness of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection among Young People Studying Non-Medical Subjects

Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu(2019)

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Introduction.Congenital infections are still a serious public health problem.They may be related, among others, to the lack of immunization against many pathogens that would reduce the number of cases of infection among pregnant women.In this situation, educational activities are important, disseminating knowledge about available prophylaxis.Objective.Aim of the study is to assess the state of knowledge of young people studying in fields not related to medical care, about congenital infections, mainly congenital CMV infection.Materials and method.The study was conducted by a questionnaire survey.The study group consisted of 225 students aged 20-29 (99 women and 126 men).The questions concerned, among others: knowledge of diseasees/infections affecting the foetus/child; sources and activities related to the risk of CMV infection; hygiene behaviours that can help prevent CMV infection.Results.Down syndrome (88%) and autism (80.9%) belonged to the most frequently reported diseases that may affect children.Knowledge of congenital infections, in addition to congenital toxoplasmosis (28.9%), was below 10%.Knowledge of the fact that CMV infection can be transmitted from mother to foetus was confirmed by 16/225 respondents.Only 8.9% of the respondents knew at least one hygienic behaviour that could contribute to a reduction in the number of CMV infections, and over 91% did not indicate any such behaviour.Conclusion.The survey conducted among students revealed that knowledge about congenital infections possessed by potential parents is not satisfactory.The study clearly indicated the need to undertake educational activities.
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