
Quantitative Study on the Proportion of Oil Sources of Wuerxun-Beier Depression, Hailaer Basin, China

IOP conference series Earth and environmental science(2019)

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There are many petroleum-rich areas which are characterized by hydrocarbon charging from multiple source rocks and subsags. It is significant to analyze the contribution ratio of subsags for the oil resource potential of depression and the scope of petroleum migration. In this study, the absolute quantitative technique of biomarker compounds is applied to oil source correlation for Huoduomoer Oilfield, Sudeerte Oilfield, Huhenuoren Oilfield and Surennuoer Oilfield in Wuerxun-Beier Depression. Firstly, we determined crude oil from which subsags. The second is what biomarker compounds are suitable for calculating the mixed proportion. Through the analysis of the research, we selected on behalf of the compounds of the maturity of the Tm and Ts, on behalf of the compounds of organic matter sources of terpane and sterane, and on behalf of the compounds of sedimentary environment of β-carotene and gammacerane to establish theoretical plot. After the calculation, it is precise to know the contribution ratio of subsags for crude oil of the four oilfields. The research method of this paper not only clarifies the proportion of oil Sources of petroleum-rich areas with hydrocarbon charging from multiple source rocks and subsags, but also provides the basis for exploration and deployment.
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