
First-Ever Built Magnetically Driven Micropump Using 3D Technology for VAD and ECMO Studies in a Mouse Model

˜The œthoracic and cardiovascular surgeon(2020)

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Objectives: Despite many advantages represented by a murine model as the possibility to use knock-out mice for cardiac or lung studies as well as the availability of an immense spectrum of reagents to perform sophisticated molecular investigations, our previous design has been still based on CPB circuit implementing a peristaltic pump to drive blood via silicon capillary tubing. Unlikely to the clinical data reported for ECMO, we have observed marked hemolysis proven in all relevant lab values. As priming volume (PV) of the CPB or ECMO circuit in our mouse model was restricted to 0.6 to 0.8 mL, the construction of a clinically relevant centrifugal pump on a minor scale represents a considerable challenge. The smallest magnetically driven hydraulic micro-pump, available on the market, is only designed for water or oil drainage and carries a priming volume > 5 mL. Such device is designed for industrial purpose only, and induces even greater hemolysis compared to standard peristaltic pumps of CPB. The aim of our study was to design a magnetically driven centrifugal micro-pump with a priming volume below 0.2 mL for our mouse model of extracorporeal circulation.
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