
Efeito Da Farinha Mista De Subprodutos Vegetais Em Pães Tipo Forma

Clara Maria Ferreira, Sanvily Braga Lima,Rafael Audino Zambelli,Marcos Rodrigues Amorim Afonso

Brazilian Journal of Development(2020)

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The present work aimed to evaluate the influence of mixed pumpkin seed, sweet potato peel and broccoli stalks flour on the characteristics of breads. The following analyzes were performed on the flours: proteins, ash, moisture, fibers, anthocyanins, flavonoids, solubility and water absorption index. Mixed flour was added to the breads in three proportions (m / m): 10, 12.5 and 15%. Analyzes were performed on the breads: proteins, lipids, ash, moisture, fibers, specific volume, crumb structure and color evaluation. Pumpkin seed flour had a higher content of proteins, fibers and anthocyanins, 39.36%, 24.5% and 13.89 mg / 100g, respectively. The bread samples did not differ (p > 0.05) in proteins, which ranged from 13.36 to 15.14%. Lipids, ash and moisture increased with the mixed flour increase, however the alveoli and specific volume decreased (p < 0.05), from 2853 to 1040 and from 2.82 to 1.79 mL / g, respectively. In samples with 15% of mixed flour, the alveoli circularity was lower and differed (p < 0.05) from the others. The addition of mixed flour impaired some bread characteristics in relation to the control sample, however it increased the fiber and ash content, in addition to retaining more water in the bread.
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