
Experience of Using Sibutramine in Combination with Microcrystalline Cellulose in Clinical Practice

Medicinskij sovet(2020)

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For many years, interest in the issue of obesity has not faded, as obesity is now one of the most common pathologies in the world that directly affects quality of life and lifespan. Even a slight weight loss (5-10% of baseline values) in obese patients is known to improve metabolism and reduce the risk of a range of comorbidities. The article reflects the importance of comprehensive treatment of obesity, presents positive experience of using Reduxin (sibutramine in combination with microcrystalline cellulose) to reduce body weight and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in a specific clinical example in a patient with exogenous-constitutional obesity and eating disorders. The case of obesity in a young man of 24 years old is presented, when other components of the metabolic syndrome (except for arterial hypertension) were not formed. Thus, following the results of 24-week complex treatment, clinically significant reduction of body weight (by 21.7% of initial values) was observed in the patient. The data of psychological researches have shown that the patient has no increase of anxiety and depression level during treatment, but at the same time the indicators of quality of life according to the results of health questionnaire testing have improved. This clinical case corresponds to the results of the PrimaVera program and demonstrates that weight loss during sibutramine therapy in combination with microcrystalline cellulose has a positive impact on the overall health and emotional status of patients and leads to improved quality of life. Therefore, successful treatment of obesity and the maintenance of other outcomes are key to preventing cardiovascular disease.
obesity,eating behavior,quality of life,sibutramine,cardiovascular system
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