
Dynamics of G-processes

Stochastics and Dynamics(2020)

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A G-process is briefly a process ([A. N. Carvalho, J. A. Langa and J. C. Robinson, Attractors for Infinite-Dimensional Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 182 (Springer, 2013)], [C. M. Dafermos, An invariance principle for compact processes, J. Differential Equations 9 (1971) 239–252], [P. E. Kloeden and M. Rasmussen, Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 176 (Amer. Math. Soc., 2011)]) for which the role of evolution parameter is played by a general topological group [Formula: see text]. These processes are broad enough to include the [Formula: see text]-actions (characterized as autonomous [Formula: see text]-processes) and the two-parameter flows (where [Formula: see text]). We endow the space of [Formula: see text]-processes with a natural group structure. We introduce the notions of orbit, pseudo-orbit and shadowing property for [Formula: see text]-processes and analyze the relationship with the [Formula: see text]-processes group structure. We study the equicontinuous [Formula: see text]-processes and use it to construct nonautonomous [Formula: see text]-processes with the shadowing property. We study the global solutions of the [Formula: see text]-processes and the corresponding global shadowing property. We study the expansivity (global and pullback) of the [Formula: see text]-processes. We prove that there are nonautonomous expansive [Formula: see text]-processes and characterize the existence of expansive equicontinuous [Formula: see text]-processes. We define the topological stability for [Formula: see text]-processes and prove that every expansive [Formula: see text]-process with the shadowing property is topologically stable. Examples of nonautonomous topologically stable [Formula: see text]-processes are given.
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